Many Paths Acupuncture will resume clinic hours on Monday April 20, 2020. 

Thanks to all for your support and patience throughout this unprecedented crisis. Just staying “in touch” at a distance means a lot to someone who makes their living touching people. 

The Washington State Department of Health issued recommendations specific to Acupuncturists on April 7, 2020. 

“Governor Inslee’s proclamation 20-25 allows health care providers to continue to provide essential health services. To control the spread of COVID-19, in-person treatment should be limited to patients with a clear and documentable urgent medical need. Practitioners should also consider if services can be appropriately provided via telehealth. Some in-person services are non-essential and should not be provided. No in-person appointment is risk-free, even if both patient and practitioner appear well. Practitioners should weigh their own risk and comfort level when deciding whether to continue in-person visits.”

We can provide a safe environment, but as stated above, no in-person visit can be regarded as entirely risk free. Our long-practiced sanitation protocols are now supplemented and enhanced, and we will be managing entry and exit to minimize interactions. 

Thanks to all who expressed condolences last month for the death of my Mom, Linda. 

Mom survived challenges and adversity for an impressive 93 years. I am very grateful for your concern and sympathy. 

We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Mark Duhamel, EAMP

Covid-19 Pandemic

I'm posting a reassurance in these crazy, difficult and fearful times.

By the very nature of the day-to-day working environment; acupuncture offices are subject to regular and comprehensive sanitation.

These usual and customary practices are now enhanced. There is always room for improvement, and this crisis has inspired us to raise the level of our hygienic regimen.

This public health crisis is unprecedented in our lifetimes. There is a lot that is unknown, and that always generates fear. Our response nationally is lagging behind the progress of the virus, so there is an abundance of uncertainty, conflicting information, and fear.

This can resolve as more testing becomes available and we can more precisely identify infection clusters. This data is imperative in mitigating the pandemic.

Be prepared: as more testing is available, we will see an alarming rise in reported cases. Don't panic, this is to be expected, and the increased testing will help us identify and mitigate further spread.

Keep in mind that we all have control over our personal hygiene and can take action to maintain and improve the robustness of our immune systems.

This is serious business. Fear, anger, and panic always lead to bad decisions. It's time to be careful, considerate, concerned, and creative.

Health and vitality to all,


From Governor Inslee’s website, March 16,2020.

From Governor Inslee’s website, March 16,2020.

The Biomedical Basis of Holistic Acupuncture



This is an excellent article about various theoretical models underlying acupuncture's efficacy. It will take a few minutes of your time, but it is worthwhile.

The Biomedical Basis of Holistic Acupuncture from